Aubree Sager

Student Instructor


Aubree Sager

How long have you been teaching at SVAD?

This will be my first season!

How long have you been at SVAD as a student?

I’ve been dancing here 11 years.

What do your responsibilities at SVAD include?

This year I’m assisting with Shelly for Pre- Pointe Ballet!

What is your dance background?

SVAD!! I’ve been here for 11 years and my entire dance career has taken place here. I just started competing with Dansations this past year.

What else should we know about you? Special recognition, awards, etc.

This past dance season I got recognized for my turns by my team at our banquet! In terms of competition, last year, all my group dances placed in our division’s top three at Hollywood Connection.

What do you enjoy outside of studio time?

Outside of the studio I’m a coffee girl! Other than that, just time with my friends and people I love is what I always enjoy.

I love connecting with people and showing I care! I love that part of this job. To all young dancers and students-never give up on yourself. Just know that sometimes there are struggles, but things just take time!