Aylee Neff

Student Instructor


Aylee Neff

How long have you been teaching at SVAD?

Two years!

How long have you been at SVAD as a student?

I started at SVAD eight years ago!

What do your responsibilities at SVAD include?

I am teaching my own Kinderdance class this year and I’m also assisting in Intro. Pointe Company Ballet! I also do desk on Tuesday nights!

What is your dance background?

I danced for two years at Academy of Dance in Burlington before coming here. When I came to SVAD, I joined Dansations at the age of nine and have been taking classes and competing since then!

What else should we know about you? Special recognition, awards, etc.

I have previously gotten 8th place for my Solo at DEA in a category with 30 girls! I also have had the honor to get platinum adjudications for our group dances in competitions. Me and my classmate Jenna got second place for our duet two years ago and that was awesome! My most recent recognition is getting a workshop award at Hollywood Connection!

What do you enjoy outside of studio time?

I love reading and spending time with my sister and boyfriend! Some of my favorite books to read are mystery and historical romance.

Being able to share the love of dance with everyone around me and making connections with my students is something I am so grateful for! Remember: Don’t ever give up even when it’s hard! You are amazing for just showing up, and you can do hard things.