Lily Brown
Student Instructor
Lily Brown
How long have you been teaching at SVAD?
I started apprenticing when I was 10, assisting when I was 12, and became an employee as soon as I turned 16!
How long have you been at SVAD as a student?
I am entering year 13 at SVAD this season.
What do your responsibilities at SVAD include?
I essentially try to get in the studio wherever I can! I assist classes, run company specialty rotations, substitute teach, and also work our front desk. Other than that, I’ve also been granted the privilege of choreographing for our Dansations competition team. Last season was my first experience working as a soloist choreographer, and I get the opportunity again this year. I also run all of the studio’s social media & help run our website! Follow svadance…
What is your dance background?
I have only ever trained with SVAD, starting at age two and a half. Since then I’ve taken ballet, jazz, lyrical, contemporary, hip-hop, acro and tap styles! I currently train in ballet and J/L/C, and compete with the Dansations team-this will be my 3rd season competing!
What else should we know about you? Special recognition, awards, etc.
This previous season I took home all platinum hardware for my solo “Moments In the Woods”! It may not be labeled an award, but it definitely felt like one to be SVAD’s 2023 Sugar Plum Fairy! Other than that, outside of dance, I have been awarded multiple showmanship and leadership awards through the MVHS Cheer Program and NCA.
What do you enjoy outside of studio time?
I love taking photos! You’ll see some of my shots on our instagram..Besides that, I am a cheerleader at MVHS and a yearbook chief editor!
I am someone who is fortunate enough to say I am doing my dream job...and at 17 years old! Ever since I started with the apprentice program, I have fallen in love with teaching. I love the art of dance and have so much appreciation for the sport, but when you teach it to young people, it becomes so much more clear that it’s more than teaching steps-it’s teaching work ethic, perseverance, patience..
I truly believe dance is unlike any other activity, and to get it to share it with students is the best opportunity I’ve ever been presented. I am endlessly grateful to both learn and teach at SVAD.